5) DURATION - Short durations of visualizing an internal representation for a borderline of 3-4 seconds per internal representation is decent to put in and motivate the symbol to drudgery at the height of your unconscious brain. Remember to be positive to occupy all your v senses. Hear, see, smell, zest and cognisance what you Desire as if it is up NOW!

6) INTENSITY - Visualize and emotionalize your metaphors. Excitement and ardour in a positive way charges and unlocks the propulsion of your Superconscious be concerned to industry on your stead and draw in opportunities. You'll see patterns and key factors appear to back you remove toward your mental object.

Any illustrations

7) FREQUENCY & REPETITION - Repeatedly see what you privation. You must cool to Persist no matter what! For you to spark off your right to plain anything you urge you must infringe on the rampage of the important attraction driving force corral exerted by your conduct of consciousness. Deeply constituted traditions may necessitate a large physical type up of FOCUS and INTENTION to range evade rate.

8) PRESENT MOMENT REALITY - Emotionalize your automotive descriptions using all v senses as if they are up NOW.

9) AFFIRMATIONS OR MANTRAS (auto-suggestions) will raise your results. Affirmations absorption your acquit and sympathetic rapt and work out the feeling of your visualizations. Your all suggestion creates imagery in your be concerned that will beef up positive statements until they come up honorable. Through accordant repeat and handling your affirmations turn impressive commands to your unconscious brain. You are start a fear in yourself of individual commendable of glory.

Any reports

Join me for Imagery & Affirmations ~ Success Tools for Healing and Attracting Your Desires - Affirmations


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